• BS/EN (British/European standards)
  • British Institute of Plumbing Design Standards 
  • CIBSE ( Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers-UK)
  • ASHRAE  ( American society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers)
  • NFPA ( National Fire Protection Association -USA)
  • Local Oman Authorities Design Standards 
  • IEE

The Company’s approach is simple :
The most efficient Engineering solutions are to be identified and implemented for each project.  Variations during the Post Contract Stage are minimized and usually average 2-3% of Contract Value
By  utilizing CAD and Load Analysis Software,  the installed equipment sizes are  minimized, resulting  in substantial savings in capital and operating expenses reduced noise levels and longer equipment life.
All HVAC load calculations are carried out  using the Carrier E-20 load analysis programme.  Computer software is  also used for lux level calculations and other services, using the latest software.
After 30 years of design experience in the Gulf, the Company has been increasingly involved in providing Design Review and Value Engineering Services for several large projects designed by other Consultants.  In all such cases the detailed design drawing analysis and evaluation as well as the implementation of our in-house design standards and practices which have been developed and tested over the years,  has lead to very substantial  design improvements and reduction of initial and subsequent operating costs of the MEP installations.